We have been here almost a week and I'm getting hitch itch, so tomorrow we will pull out and head to the SKP Park in Deming NM. It will be COLD there so we will just stay long enough to say hi to some friends.
We did manage to take a ride to Tombstone AZ, one of the most famous towns of the wild wild west. Now it is a big tourist trap, but when I was stationed here at Ft Huachuca AZ it was a lot different. It wasn't as commercialized as it is now, you could walk the streets and see a lot of the history without having to pay at each stop.
We did sit down at the bar in the Crystal Palace, a saloon that hosted many of the card games and gun fights that made Tombstone so famous. I even sat at the bar and drank a beer just as many did before the town became so famous. Although mine was in a bottle and theirs probably came from the tap.
Here is one of the many signs you will see in Tombstone.
As I said before Sierra Vista had it's balloon festival and Marcia got to hitch a ride in a hot air balloon, and we went to see the "glow" Saturday night. The glow is where they blow up the balloons and turn on the flames after dark making them glow. Although there was only four balloons there it was an amazing sight to watch them putting the air and fire to the balloons. I guess it gave me just enough of a taste for balloons to want to go see the big balloon fest in Albuquerque NM.
Here are a few pictures I took.
Sunday was an interesting day, there was a planned protest against torture, and the war. The Fort was put on alert with added security, the main gate was closed and barricades were placed across the road to prevent unauthorized access to the Fort. The state police had several extra patrolmen standing around ensuring everything went peaceful. The Sierra Vista police, and the shrrifs department also had their swat teams in place along with many extra police to again keep things peaceful.
Many supporters of the troops gathered on a corner of Fry BLV to show support for the troops. I don't think anyone really wants war, but sometimes you have to do what is best for the nation, and I really believe that us fighting the war on terror OVER THERE prevents us fighting it as much OVER HERE.
The protesters were bussed in from Tucson and other cities around AZ. They do it a couple times a year, and one priest, (at least that is what he profess to be) always has to cross the street against the orders of all the law enforcement present to kneel and pray on Ft Huachuca Property. He always is handcuffed and led away. I heard he was handcuffed and led to a van that took him directly to the east gate of Ft Huachuca where he had some of his supporters pick him up.
It really makes me sick knowing U S citizens will stand up and protest against our service men and women. It really is demoralizing to our soldiers to see and hear about people protesting against what they are putting their lives on the line for. I really think there are too many goody too shoes in the USA today.
Can you imagine where the USA would be today if all these politically correct people would have been around before the atomic bomb was dropped in Japan? Yes it did cause a lot of destruction, and cost many their lives, but imagine how many AMERICAN LIVES it saved. I'm a firm believer in protecting Americans at ALL COSTS. Just read the book of Joshua and what God instructed his army to do.
Back to a more pleasant ending for my blog today, Apache Flats is the R V Park here on Ft Huachuca, where we are staying. You have to be active duty, retired military, a civil servant working or retired, for DOD, or 100% disabled veteran to be able to stay here. Which I recently was awarded the 100% status due to me being unemployable and the V A recognizing that fact after me telling them that for seven years.
Ft Huachuca is located at the foot of the Huachuca mountains, and there is a lot of wildlife around. Almost every time we drive into the CG, or out of the CG we see deer. Sometimes we see wild turkeys, maybe a coyote, or possibly even javalina.
That is one of the reasons we enjoy Ft Huachuca, besides it being my first permanent party duty station 30+ years ago, and having a son stationed here now. And the weather is pretty nice most of the time.
While we were in Tucson we visited my cousin Bill and his dog Ginger. I had taken this picture and neglected to post it, but when I saw it today I wanted to post it so our friends and family could see.
Sore But On the Mend
1 day ago
Thank you to all of our troops for all that they do!!!!!!!!!